Sunday 3 October 2010

Codes and conventions of a Music magazine contents page

-Lots of images
-Issue date and number
-Brief summary of whats in mag
-Photos mainly not direct address
-Mainly laid out in columns
-1 Main pic relating to feature article
-They have page numbers which anchor the written contents
-Name of mag is at the top and the word contents
-Subscription and contact info
-Sometimes an editors letter
-Simple colour scheme
-Contents divided into categories and headings used to identify each category
-Image of front cover
-Contents are written in the same
-Page number one or two words which could be artists name or ambiguous text to intrigue the reader in bold type (first line) often capital letters (average 12/13 points)
-Gives you more specific detail about what the articles about, smaller font and Roman font(no bigger than 11 points)
-Photography is credited for the front cover
-Features and regulars main category headings
-Bottom: Page number/mag title/issue date/ web address
-Fonts (typeface) only 2 types sans serif (without hook) sans serif (with hooks)

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