Sunday, 3 October 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Magazine double spread

-One main image on one of the pages

-Artists names are in a different colour to the rest of the text
-Has the writer and Photographers name included
-First letter is bold with capitals (Known as Drop Capital) which shows the reader where to start writing

-Images are usually direct address

-Name of mag next to page number
-Simple colour scheme, colours kept to a a minimum
-Sometimes picture is across the whole DPS with all text on the picture
-Quotes are sometimes in the headline, on the picture or in the stand first or to break up the text

-Stand first introduces the article and is positioned under the headline, often includes Journalists name

-Other techniques to drop capitals include Bold Text, slightly bigger type size, capitals for the first few words
-The article is usually written informally and the personality of the journalist comes through
-Byline, who wrote the article and Photographers credit
-Headline, sometimes use stylised fonts and are used to draw the reader in but it doesn't tell the reader what the article is about, that's done by Stand first
-Laid out in columns 2-4

-Strap line at the top

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